Today we begin a series about growing in Christ. It’s common for believers to reach a point where they ask, “Is that all there is? Am I missing something?” It’s my firm conviction, after 25+ years of walking with Christ, that they are indeed missing something. Not salvation. They are genuine believers who want to live their lives to please God.

Yet, there is an emptiness inside them that they just can’t seem to shake. It seems that life has become one long cycle of “same old stuff.” Part of them is sure there is more out there, but they are just not sure how to go about finding it. I was one such person–still am to a degree. Perhaps you are one too. If so, this series is for you.

Throughout the next several posts we’ll take a look at what it means to change and grow. I’m convinced that the church has, in large part, forgotten what biblical change looks like. When we pursue change as God intended it, we end up drawing closer to Christ and closer to people in love. That is the to be the goal of any attempts at change, according to my understanding of the Greatest Commandments.

First, we will examine what it means to change. What does biblical change look like? What is the goal? We’ll try to develop at least a basic model for change.

  • Biblical change must start from the inside, with attitudes of the heart.
  • Biblical change is change that moves a person toward God and other people in love.
  • Biblical change involves exposing and repenting of thoughts and attitudes that promote self-protection over loving involvement.

Next, we’ll look at what I call the “Keys to the Kingdom” These three understandings are central to growing in Christ:

  • A biblical understanding of who God is
  • A biblical understanding of New Covenant theology
  • A biblical understanding of our identity

This will be a wonderful journey as we grow closer to the One who constantly pursues us.

Continue to the next post

One response to “Toward Christ: On the Road to Growth and Change”

  1. rosajonesfloyd Avatar

    Very eager for this series! Yes, there is “more out there” than we often settle for … in more ways than one.

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