How This Came to Be

Michael Floyd, Founder and Writer

Why a website? Why this website? Good questions. The internet is awash in websites, social media, and newsletters. My journey here started a long while ago. (Read my salvation story here.) For much of that time, I’ve been writing in various forms, including poems, devotional pieces, and a short Bible study or two. Writing has been both an outlet and a passion for me.

Beginning in 2014, the Lord began moving in me, teaching me about the breadth and depth of the gospel, that it was far beyond simple “fire insurance.” In August of that year, I was prompted to begin more “serious” writing (i.e., writing for both myself and others). As I studied Scripture, it was as though my writing served as a kind of term paper or final exam (only one part of the exam, I know now). I began my first real attempt at writing a book, which culminated in No Other Gospel being self-published in 2015.1

At the same time, I began studying the books of John and 1 John. It was the first time I had done a truly in-depth study of a full book of Scripture–and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I was actually saddened when I was finished with John. My study notes turned into my first two short commentaries (which can be found on this site, along with commentaries on Galatians and Romans, hopefully with more to follow.) I didn’t set out to write commentaries. They just grew out of my desire to put things together.

In 2017 I started a blog, The Shepherd’s Voice (archive posts are here). It was started mainly for my benefit, to put out what I was learning about the gospel of Jesus. Unfortunately, that time period of my life was filled with a lot of instability for me, and I was inconsistent, if passionate. But, with God’s grace, the blog grew into on a full-on website, incorporating resources (both my own and others). It has been eight years now, and much has happened–in my life, in America, and in the world. What started out as a way to find “the Shepherd’s voice” has grown into a desire to see the gospel taught, proclaimed and lived out. The issues that the church faces today are ever increasing, and they must be confronted from the stance of the gospel, not economic, social, or political systems.

Toward the end of 2024, I was prompted to suspend The Shepherd’s Voice website and have taken time to refocus and pray, seeking the Lord for next steps. I believe The Gospel Today is that next step–moving form something that was primarily personal in nature that benefitted others to something primarily for the sake of others. Starting as a simple Substack publication (“The Gospel Lens“), The Gospel Today is now a website that brings together the publication and resources–many of which have been carried over from The Shepherd’s Voice.2

That is the story of The Gospel Today. Though my name is in the site and resources, it is not about me, but about the gospel and the transforming power found in Jesus.

March 2025

  1. The book continues to be revised and will be released as a “10th anniversary” edition later in 2025. ↩︎
  2. The Shepherd’s Voice will remain up for a period of months ( during the transition period, but will eventually be taken down permanently. ↩︎