After an introduction to the Father, we now turn to the One who was sent to reveal the Father’s very heart to us, the centerpiece of the Gospel, Jesus. Many know of Jesus, the baby in the manger that we celebrate at Christmas (though He was likely born in the fall…but I digress), to bring “peace on earth, good will to men.” Again, many know the Easter story of the empty tomb, that He rose from the dead.

But, do you really know Him?

Stop for a moment and consider that question. Many have their opinions of Him, and it’s hard to not pick up such opinions.

Admittedly, this will at best be an incomplete introduction. No written work can adequately describe Him. The only way to truly know Him is to get to know Him. After all, He is a living Person–and here we are getting ahead of ourselves.

We’re going to address two basic questions:  1) Who is Jesus?  2) What does He have to do with my life? 

These questions are addressed by a verse we looked at previously: John 3:16.  To refresh your memory:  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

Looking at that verse, the brief answers to our questions are:

1) Jesus is God’s Son. (What does that even mean?)
2) Jesus came so that we could have”eternal life.” (What is eternal life, you ask?)

One response to “The Centerpiece of the Gospel: Jesus”

  1. rosajonesfloyd Avatar

    “The only way to truly know Him is to get to know Him.” I’ve been on that journey for decades and still learning…so true.

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