Tag: love

  • Continuing on in our look at the core truths of the faith, we come now to Jesus. Now, we have talked about Him a lot previously. Specifically, though, we have discussed His being both God and Man as well as the purpose for which he came. (Listen to the podcast “The Centerpiece of the Gospel:…

  • “How can you support that person/group?” This question is heard often in Christian circles. So many churches and groups have sprung up with such wide-ranging views that it’s often difficult to determine just what makes one “a Christian.” Do you have to believe in baptism by immersion? Do you have to keep the Sabbath? Is…

  • Come Just As You Are–Or Not at All

    In Second Chronicles 30, we read an amazing story of celebrating the Passover.  What makes this story interesting is that neither Israel (the northern kingdom after the split) nor Judah (the southern kingdom) had celebrated the Passover in a long time. Passover was a big deal. It was instituted by God on the very night…

  • “She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet:  “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel,” which means, God with…

  • What was the purpose of Jesus coming to earth, dying, and being raised from the dead? Was it only so that we could have a ticket to heaven? We’ve already said, in previous posts, that there is much more to the gospel than that. Jesus declared to the people, “I came that they may have…

  • What It All Means

    What does it mean to be a Christian? There have been many answers over the centuries, some of which contradict each other. Some of the most common answers today include: * It means I’m going to heaven.* It means I have a personal relationship with Jesus.* It means living by the Ten Commandments, Golden Rule,…

  • What the Narrow Road Looks Like

    Christ calls us to walk the Narrow Road in order to enter eternal life. He called this road “the hard way.” This is how Jesus described life on the Narrow Road, and why it’s called “the hard way”: If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and…

  • It’s good to take a break on this day from the stresses of life. Pause and reflect. Today is a day of “giving thanks.” That phrase is used often. In today’s world, with all the violence, division, stress and anger, we need to be thankful to God.  What are we to be thankful for? Yet…

  • Two Roads, One Choice

    Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few (Matt. 7:13-14, ESV). Jesus said that there…

  • Which Road Will You Travel?

    Now that we have discussed the Gospel and what it means, we must also discuss the cost. “Cost? I thought salvation is a free gift of God!” It is indeed a free gift of God; one can never earn it by doing good deeds or keeping the law. But there is a cost that those…