CHURCH IS MESSY. Jesus loves the church. It is not only His plan A – there is no plan B. But when believers from different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives come together, challenges inevitably arise: * Divisions around preferred leaders * Sexual sin * Legal disputes * Conflict over non-essential but deeply held convictions * Marriage and the roles of men and women * Fellowship and communion * Spiritual gifts * Worship styles
Is there a common element to these challenges? If so, what is the answer? In The Modern Corinth, author Michael Floyd examines the American church through the lens of the problems faced by the church in 1 Corinthians. His central thesis – that all of these challenges were based in following worldly wisdom rather than holding fast to Scripture and the fundamentals of the gospel – provides a framework for examining the church in America and our own churches. Learn how godly wisdom and a focus on the Gospel can correct the errors of worldly wisdom in the modern American church – for her good and for His glory.