Tag: Abram

  • Last week’s post (On Faith: Part 1) drew a broad outline of what faith means. This week we are going to begin looking at biblical faith. What does the Bible say about faith? In our discussions in this and other posts, we want to be careful not to go beyond what is written. Defining true…

  • This week, we continue looking at the life of Abraham, the man of faith, to see what we can learn for our own journey of faith. God is able to redeem our past (Gen. 16:1-16; 21:8-21). The Lord gave a promise to Abram, that he would have a son. The only problem? Abram and Sarai…

  • The Bible is full of examples of faithful men and women who heeded God’s call on their lives. In today’s post (the first of a two-part series), we’ll look at what we  can learn from the life of Abraham, the father of faith. Obedience brings us one step closer to His purpose (Gen. 12:1-9).Abram and…