The Life of Paul: A Timeline

Note: This timeline is compiled from several different sources, after comparing evidence. All dates are approximate.

Paul born in Tarsus

Paul goes to Jerusalem to study under Gamaliel. (Perhaps for 5-6 years)

Paul returns to Tarsus. (He never claims to be an eyewitness of Jesus until the Damascus Road.)

Jesus crucified and resurrected. (Jesus likely born in 4 BC, was approximately 33 at the end of His earthly ministry.)

Paul returns to Jerusalem; Stephen martyred. (If married, as Pollock suggests, his wife and possibly son would have returned with him.)

Paul is converted on the Damascus Road. (If married, his wife may have deserted him and returned to Tarsus.)

Paul goes to Arabia. (About 3 years; Gal. 1:17-18.)

Paul preaches in Petra, returns from Arabia; preaches in Damascus and flees to Jerusalem; meets Barnabas, Peter, and James (the Lord’s brother). He stays with Peter for 2 weks.

Paul flees Jerusalem, returns to Tarsus. He remains in Tarsus and surrounding regions 3-4 years, these are generally known as the hidden years.

The vision mentioned in 2 Corinthians 9

Barnabas brings Paul to Antioch

Harvest fails; Paul, Barnabas, and Titus return to Jerusalem to distribute relief. Paul met with the apostles to go over “the gospel I preach among the Gentiles.”

Beginning of 1st missionary journey (w/ Barnabas and Mark) - Cyprus (Paul assumes leadership after Cyprus); Perga (Mark leaves the team); Pisidian Antioch (beaten and expelled); Iconium (plotted against, fled); Lystra (stoned); Derbe

Paul & Barnabas return to Antioch; Peter’s visit; Jerusalem Council. Galatians written (from Antioch).

Paul returns to Galatia, meets Silas and Timothy, begins 2nd missionary journey.

Paul and Silas with Luke set out for Macedonia - Philippi (flogged); Thessalonica (expelled); Berea (plotted against, fled); Athens (rejected)

Paul arrives in Corinth. 1 Thessalonians written from Corinth (after Timothy & Silas arrive).

Gallio’s ruling. (Gallio was installed as ruler of Corinth on July 1, 51.)

Paul journeys to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover, then returns to Ephesus. Aquila and Priscilla relocated to Ephesus to assist Paul. While Paul is in Jerusalem, he conceived the plan for another collection for the poor saints in Jerusalem from all the other churches.

Paul teaches in Ephesus. (Teaches in the school of Tyrannus.)

Paul accused of misappropriation of Temple funds; arrested. Philippians written

Paul acquitted and released. Claudius Caesar dies of poisoning, succeeded by Nero; 1 Corinthians written; Paul may have been arrested again by sympathizers of Nero (“the affliction we suffered in Asia”).

Riot in Ephesus (Artemisia festival) - Paul leaves Ephesus, goes to Troas, then Philippi. 2 Corinthians written (from Philippi)

Paul evangelizes in Illyricum

Paul travels to Corinth. Romans written (from Corinth)

Paul travels to Jerusalem to deliver the collection. Seized by Jews, then arrested by the Romans.

Governor Felix recalled to Rome; Festus succeeds him; Paul still in custody, appeals to Caesar. - Sails for Rome (probably late summer) - shipwrecked on Malta (probably late October/early November)

Paul reaches Rome (probably February/March)

Paul awaits trial in Rome. Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon written (from Rome).

Paul acquitted and freed.
1 Timothy, Titus, and 2 Thessalonians written

Great fire of Rome; Nero accuses the Christians of arson

Paul arrested for the last time. Jewish Great Rebellion begins.

Paul awaits trial. 2 Timothy written

Paul executed. Tradition says both Peter and Paul were executed on the same day, June 29, 67

Jerusalem and Temple destroyed