Christian or American?

Christian or American?

I had hoped to start the New Year off with a more encouraging post. In the light of recent events that continue to unfold, however, it became necessary to address these issues for the sake of the church, the Body and Bride of Christ.

Last week, many of us watched a sight we never thought we’d see in our lifetime: What can only be described as a riot at the Capitol. What was most disturbing on that day and in subsequent days was the number of professed Christians who condoned, supported, encouraged, and even participated in the event. If that wasn’t bad enough, there have been many calls for more violent action, including “civil war,” and some self-proclaimed Christians are seemingly in support of such a thing.

The week before those events, I wrote a post about the dangers of taking idols into our hearts. Specifically, the post addressed what was called Christian Americanism (“Idols in the Heart,” 12/29/20). This week’s post is not meant to duplicate that. And again, this is not a post about politics. It is about the role of the church.

Almost two years ago, I wrote the following. It was meant as an open letter to the church, and came from a deep burden. I posted it on the website in January of last year. Though it may not at first seem related, I believe we are seeing the beginnings of what is written in that letter:

My brothers and sisters,

I am so glad to have been born in America, where we can freely declare the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. I believe God indeed raised up America for His own purposes according to Scripture.

Yet, in these last days, the church will soon have to make a choice. For far too long now, she has hitched her wagon to both the Gospel of Christ and the democratic individualism of America.

I tell you by the Word of the Lord that there will come a time, and I believe that time to be soon, that these two horses will diverge, and the wagon will be ripped apart. The horse of individualism and independence will attack the horse carrying the Gospel of Christ. Unable to defeat the Gospel, the first horse will then attack the followers of the Gospel.

There is a day coming in which America will turn upon those who claim the name of Christ. We are already seeing the stirrings of that, both from without and within the church. America will still continue to serve God's purpose, but that purpose will be to help usher in the end of the age. The Father will allow America--and the world at large--to persecute the church. Many will be put in prison and even executed for claiming the name of Christ. This persecution is not to punish but to purify, as a refiner draws the dross off the silver. The Father wants His church to be prepared for the return of Christ.

America's democratic foundation of independence and individualism is not compatible with the Gospel. We who are citizens of heaven do not live in a democracy. We live in a kingdom. A kingdom has a King. The subjects of the kingdom are under His authority. We live in dependence on the Father. Seeking independence from God is at the heart of all sin.

As the apostle John said, "Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world" (1 John 2:15-16). Are not these three things embedded in America?

What shall we do then? Pray for America. Pray that she have godly leadership, and that the nation as a whole turn to Christ, that the day of reckoning be postponed. Pray for the church, that she be ready and prepared when that day comes. Mark these words well, that day WILL come.

To return to the picture earlier, above all, get out of the wagon and get on the horse of the Gospel. Remember that you are a citizen of heaven first and foremost. Your citizenship here counts for nothing when compared to that. Resist the temptation to remain comfortable and instead choose to abandon yourself to Christ, no matter what may come.

Grace and peace to you, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
("The Church in America: An Open Letter")

In the wake of recent events, the church must take a step back and take a hard look at where her priorities are. There is something to be said for being salt and light. Jesus said we were that. There is something to be said for redeeming and restoring parts of culture. Yet, like the church of Laodicea, large parts of the American church (and the larger Western church) are in danger of losing their biblical identity. Why is that so? Because they have bought into the world’s system to the extent that these parts of the church are not much more than another political group. The church desires the wealth of America, and thus rides the coattails of any leader who promises to bring greatness back to America–whether that leader be Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, etc..

As written in the open letter, the American church has hitched itself so long to the horse of America that she is now dependent on America for her perceived greatness. As I wrote in my previous post, this is idolatry. The events of January 6th are the inevitable result of idolatry.

We need to be clear here: For those not in Christ, those who have not been born again, what happened Wednesday is no surprise. We can expect no different from the unregenerate. For the follower of Christ, however, such actions are unthinkable and inexcusable. How are we to redeem the culture if we act just like the culture? How are we to have our minds renewed if we think just like the culture?

I could identify specific issues (mask-wearing, civil disobedience, etc.). If you have followed and/or read much of The Shepherd’s Voice on Twitter, you’ve seen those subjects dealt with at length recently. While they are included, the events of last week and the underlying attitudes go far beyond those issues. They go to the heart of what it means to be a believer.

What does it mean to be a Christian? Can one be a “left-leaning liberal” and be a Christian? Must a Christian always vote for conservative politicians? (Or must a Christian vote at all?) Aer certain political, philosophical, or economic policies automatically off-limits to a Christian? Or are certain of those policies mandatory for a Christian? What does it mean to be a Christian in America? This is the question that the church really needs to answer: “Who are we?”

And that is the question we will delve into in the next blog post.

2 responses to “Christian or American?”

  1. […] the last post (“Christian or American,” 1/12/20), we asked some hard questions about the church and believers. We suggested that many […]

  2. rosajonesfloyd Avatar

    Thank you for calling out idolatry.

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