“She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet: “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel,” which means, God with us (Matt. 1:21-23, ESV).
This passage is perhaps one of the best-known, most quoted passages at Christmas. Great songs have been written about it. And yet, so few truly understand its meaning or implications. For centuries the Jews had waited for Messiah to come and liberate them from their captors. They expected Messiah to come as a conquering King and re-establish the throne of David. This, however, is not what Jesus came to do in His first advent. What Jesus came to do is something humans have tried to do for millennia and have been unable–bring God near.
Mankind has always tried to reach God by human effort ever sense Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden. Though several in the Old Testament were said to have walked with God, He was still far away from most people because of both their sin and the sacrificial system of the day. People in general could not be said to know God, and few believed that He knew or noticed them. Of course God is all-knowing; He knows all things, even my heart. But it’s easy to wonder, as many must have, if He really noticed them among the other more “important” things.
Jesus came to correct that misunderstanding. Not only does God know me–everything about me, mind you–but He also understands me. Jesus experienced the temptations, loneliness, hurt, and rejection that we have all felt (though we may not admit it). It’s ironic that these pains are often felt most during the Christmas season–the very time when God came near. He didn’t stop, however, with living as one of us and experiencing life as we experience it. He made a way for the very Spirit of God to dwell inside us! God came up with that plan as the ultimate way to remind us, “I am with you, and you are not alone.” He whispers that to the woman who sits on a church pew surrounded by people, but feels alone and empty. He whispers it to the man who opens gifts with his family, seeing everyone laugh and have fun, but feeling alone and empty inside. He whispers to the busy pastor and mother and businessman. If only we would turn our hearts to Him and listen. The season is not about Santa or giving gifts, or even family being together (though those are good things).Christmas is about when God broke through the veil and drew near to His people, never to leave them lonely again.
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