The Cornerstone of Our Faith

The Cornerstone of Our Faith

We talk a lot about the gospel. And well we should. It’s the story of redemption, after all—our redemption. We talk a lot about various parts of the gospel as we try to get the big picture. We tell people, “Jesus died for your sin.” “Jesus paid the penalty for your sin.” “For God so loved the world that He gave His Son . . . .”

It’s true that Jesus died for us. We certainly could never have done that—borne not only our sin but that of the whole world. Without Calvary, there would be no Gospel.

I want to suggest something, however. That’s not the end of the story, and there’s something bigger, more glorious than even the crucifixion. We celebrate it every year, but we rarely talk about it beyond that.

The Resurrection

You see, without the Resurrection, nothing else matters. Without the Resurrection, God’s plan stops dead in its tracks—literally. So what if God did all the miracles in the Bible, and made promises to Adam, Abraham, Moses, David and the rest? Without the Resurrection, those promises come to nothing. Paul understood this, when he wrote: 

But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain. We are even found to be misrepresenting God, because we testified about God that he raised Christ, whom he did not raise if it is true that the dead are not raised. For if the dead are not raised, not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins. Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied(1 Cor. 15:13-19).

Paul hung his whole teaching of the Gospel on the fact of the historical resurrection of Christ. That’s right, the “fact of the historical resurrection.” Paul wasn’t teaching about some spiritually vague “resurrection.” His logic here is unassailable.

If there is no such thing as resurrection from the dead, then Christ has not been raised from the dead.

If Christ has not been raised from the dead, in precise historical fact, then:

. . . our preaching is in vain.

. . . your faith is in vain.

. . . you are still dead in your sins.

. . . those who are already asleep (dead) have perished.

Think of it. We have all this hope of justification and eternity. Yet, if it’s not true that Christ was raised from the dead, “we are of all people most to be pitied.” The world should not think us crazy, the should pity us, because we are foolish to have such hope without the Resurrection. Those who teach that “It doesn’t matter if Christ’s resurrection is a fact or not, only that you believe it,” are selling snake oil. Because if you believe and teach that Christ rose from the dead when in fact He did not, then that makes the teacher a false witness against God (v. 15).

But, because of the actual Resurrection, everything changes. God raised Christ from the dead to prove that the mission Christ came to do had been accomplished.

We can be forgiven! No matter the sin, no matter the mess we have made of our lives.

We can justified by faith, apart from keeping the law. We are declared righteous in His sight.

We can know God personally, directly, without going through any human mediator.

Those who argue against Christianity are right when they focus on the Resurrection. For without it, the whole Bible is in question. If, however, the Resurrection is true, then it’s all true.

The next time you are about to tell someone “Jesus died for you.” Don’t forget that He rose for them also. The tomb is empty.

For some information on the truth of the resurrection, read “Seven Undisputed Facts: Decide for Yourself

One response to “The Cornerstone of Our Faith”

  1. rosajonesfloyd Avatar

    This was so key to me. Early in my walk, God helped me learn the importance of the resurrection. I was so impacted that my first writing attempt was a devotional titled Because He Lives with several implications I summarized in the conclusion ( All these years later, I look at the list I made and I’m still amazed at how I still need those truths every. single. day. I have never gotten over the cross and the resurrection – and I don’t want to.

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