A Day of Thanks

It’s good to take a break on this day from the stresses of life. Pause and reflect. Today is a day of “giving thanks.” That phrase is used often. In today’s world, with all the violence, division, stress and anger, we need to be thankful to God.  What are we to be thankful for?

Yet he did not leave himself without witness, for he did good by giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying your hearts with food and gladness (Acts 14:17). He is forever faithful, providing what we need, even in the midst of disobedience. We are to be thankful that His love and faithfulness endures forever. On that basis, the writer of Hebrews tells us, Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Heb. 13:5). That is the must crucial promise we can cling to. The Lord will never forsake us.  And since He will never forsake us, we can be assured that He will provide for us.

Even above that, the Lord has already provided the greatest gift of all time–His only Son, Jesus. The Father sent Christ to the cross to prove His love for us once and for all. What more could the Father do? If then He could die for us, the least we can do is live for Him. We do that in our love and service for others as He directs us. In this time of uncertainty, anger, and division, let us be His ministers of grace, agents of reconciliation. As we give thanks for our family, food, and everything else He has provided, let us also share His love with those who are searching for it.

Heavenly Father, thank You that you are Adonai-Y’reh, the Lord Who Sees To It and Will Provide. You have given us so much, though we deserve so little. You have blessed us beyond measure already. Father we pray that You would pour out Your Spirit of Grace on this country and indeed the earth in these last days. Draw the lost to Your heart. Compel the needy to come to Your table. And burden us to share Your love with those around us. Allow this time to bring a new revelation to our hearts of Your love that overflows, so that we can’t help but minister in Your name. We pray for provision and healing for the needy and broken. We pray for the awakening of the Spirit for those who are lost in darkness. And we pray that we may be the light that You have called us to be. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

One response to “A Day of Thanks”

  1. rosajonesfloyd Avatar

    To quote a pastor’s commentary on Heb. 13:15 “Be content with what you have, because what you have is Him”

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